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What are the principles of stone crystal surface treatment?

The principle of stone crystal surface treatment is: the stone crystal surface treatment machine puts professional reagents on the crystal surface treatment machine through a certain speed and a certain weight to rub, so that the stone surface generates a certain amount of heat, reaches a certain temperature, and the reagents crystallize on the stone surface to form a protective layer.

Because the core element of stone crystal surface treatment is to form a dense crystallized hard treatment layer on the stone surface through a certain temperature and a certain reagent, the stone crystal surface treatment machine must have the following three key elements.

1. Temperature. The suitable temperature for stone crystallization is about 60 degrees.

2. When doing crystal surface treatment, the machine must reach a certain speed to generate heat to 60 degrees through friction. This suitable speed is about 220 revolutions.

3. Suitable weight. Most of the crystal surface treatment machines currently sold on the market can only reach a speed of about 170 revolutions. Therefore, to achieve the appropriate temperature, the friction can only be increased by adding counterweights. If the counterweight is too heavy, it is not conducive to the operation of the machine; if the counterweight is too light, the ideal crystallization effect cannot be achieved.



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