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How long does a diamond cutting disc last

The factors that affect the efficiency and life of diamond circular saw blades include sawing process parameters and diamond particle size, concentration, bond hardness, etc. According to the cutting energy number, there are saw blade line speed, sawing concentration and feed speed.

1. Saw blade linear speed:

In actual work, the linear speed of the diamond circular saw blade is limited by the equipment conditions, the quality of the saw blade and the nature of the sawn stone.

From the perspective of the best diamond cutting disc service life and sawing efficiency, the linear speed of the saw blade should be selected according to the properties of different stones. When sawing granite, the linear speed of the saw blade can be selected in the range of 25m~35m/s.

For granite with high quartz content and difficult to saw, the lower limit of the saw blade linear speed is appropriate. In the production of granite tiles, the diameter of the diamond circular saw blade used is small, and the linear speed can reach 35m/s.

2. Sawing depth:

The cutting depth is an important parameter involving diamond wear, effective sawing, the force of the saw blade and the properties of the sawn stone.

Generally speaking, when the linear speed of the diamond circular saw blade is high, a small cutting depth should be selected. From the current technology, the depth of sawing diamond can be selected between 1mm and 10mm. Usually large diameter saw blades are used. When sawing granite blocks, the cutting depth can be controlled between 1mm~2mm, and at the same time, the feed speed should be reduced.

When the linear speed of the diamond circular diamond cutting disc is large, a large cutting depth should be selected. However, when the sawing machine performance and tool strength allowable range, a larger cutting concentration should be used for cutting to improve cutting efficiency. When the machined surface is required, a small depth cutting should be used.

3. Feed speed:

The feed speed is the feed speed of the sawn stone. Its size affects the sawing rate, the force of the saw blade and the heat dissipation of the sawing area. Its value should be selected according to the nature of the sawn stone.

Generally speaking, when sawing softer stone, such as marble, the feed speed can be appropriately increased. If the feed speed is too low, it is more conducive to increase the sawing rate. Sawing fine-grained, relatively homogeneous granite , The feed speed can be appropriately increased. If the feed speed is too low, the diamond blade will be easily ground.

However, when sawing coarse-grained granite with uneven hardness and softness, the feed speed should be reduced, otherwise it will cause the vibration of the diamond cutting disc to cause diamond fragmentation and reduce the sawing rate. The feed speed of sawing granite is generally 5m Select within the range of ~10m/min.

4. Other influencing factors

The common ones are diamond particle size, bit concentration, hardness of the bit binder, force effect, temperature effect and wear damage.



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