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Analysis of eight main factors affecting the yield of stone slabs

The profit of stone materials mainly comes from raw materials, so the full utilization of raw materials has become a key link in stone production. Finding ways to improve the yield rate is the unwavering pursuit of production enterprises. The so-called yield rate refers to the ratio of the processed product area (m2) to the area of the large board received (m2) multiplied by 100%. The area of the large board is based on whether the whole large board is cut. The factors affecting the yield rate of sheet materials mainly include the following eight aspects:

1. Material Factors

The appearance defects such as color lines, spots, cracks, stains, etc., of large boards have a great impact on the yield rate. The inclined direction of such defects has a greater impact on the yield rate than the straight direction.

Regular grain patterns mainly include: straight grain (such as golden beige, etc.): It is best to process this type of grain pattern along the grain. If the pattern needs to be followed, it will have a greater impact on the yield rate. Spiral grain: This type of grain pattern should be followed as much as possible during processing, otherwise it will affect the yield rate. Diagonal grain: This type of grain pattern has a relatively good direction, and the length and width can be changed by grinding the back to change the grain pattern.

Irregular grain patterns, commonly known as random patterns (such as snow white, etc.): If there are no strict requirements for the grain pattern, the yield rate of large boards with this grain pattern direction is higher.

No obvious grain pattern (such as white sandstone, etc.): This type of grain pattern direction has the least impact on the yield rate.

2. Large Board Color Difference Factor

The color difference of large boards has a great impact on the yield rate, and it is often in batches. Color differences may occur between the left and right sides, top and bottom, block and block, and batch and batch of the same large board. Therefore, special control should be exercised during procurement and selection to ensure that the color tones in the same area are basically consistent to the greatest extent possible, the transition of color tones in adjacent areas is natural, and there are no abrupt color differences.

3. Large Board Size Factor

It is better to saw large boards separately for inventory boards and project boards, which is more targeted. When the size is not qualified and there is no other material to choose from, the rough material can be shaped before sawing the large board, and the excess part can be cut off for other uses to increase the yield rate. Multiple project combinations can reduce waste.

4. Human Factors

Human errors in processing lead to waste, such as short cutting, cutting angles in the wrong direction, and incorrect shaping, all of which will reduce the yield rate.

Failure to calculate carefully during material selection and layout will seriously reduce the yield rate. Material selection and layout should be carefully calculated based on the entire project situation, with consideration of length, width, combination, and efforts to increase the yield rate.

Inadequate training in workers’ patching techniques leads to avoidance of processing due to appearance defects, reducing the yield rate. Therefore, it is crucial to vigorously train workers in excellent patching techniques.

Workers’ lack of thinking during cutting and failure to handle changes in the board surface correctly will also reduce the yield rate. Stone is a natural product, especially non-granite stones have large variations in patterns and colors, requiring workers to focus on how to optimize combinations, think and calculate actively before processing.

Excessively tight delivery deadlines without sufficient time for material calculation, selection, and layout will also affect the yield rate. Therefore, early communication, accelerated information transmission, and the cultivation of skilled and experienced material selection staff or operators are particularly important for improving the yield rate.

5. Poor Communication between Sales and Production Personnel

Poor communication between sales and production personnel can indirectly affect the yield rate. Specific manifestations include:

Placing the same materials together;

Placing large boards cut from the same rough material together;

All large boards should face the same direction;

There should be markings on both ends of the large board to avoid misplacement during material selection;

There should be gaps between batches for easy observation of the board surface.

6. Quality Requirements Factor

The stricter the quality requirements, the lower the yield rate.

By pre-installing (layout and color matching) before installation at the production site to ensure that the color tones in the same area are basically consistent, and the transition of color tones in different areas is natural, waste production can be reduced, and the yield rate can be improved.

7. Drawing Scale Factor

On-site layout personnel should pre-understand the size of inventory large boards and divide the sizes reasonably and effectively without affecting aesthetics and installation, thus increasing the yield rate.

Provide as complete a set of drawings and instructions to production as possible: including plan drawings, elevation drawings, coordination drawings, processing orders, etc., to facilitate comprehensive material use, flexible control, the more detailed and complete the drawings are, the more accurate the material use, and the better the effect.

8. Project Factors

Sales personnel should have a detailed understanding of inventory materials before negotiating with customers, to facilitate targeted communication with customers. When abnormalities occur in materials, active communication and contact with customers should be made to understand the customer’s true intentions. During on-site installation, detailed instructions should be given to installation personnel to strictly follow the sequence and direction indicated during pre-installation at the factory to ensure harmonious patterns, color coordination, and interface alignment, thus reducing on-site waste production.



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