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Mining methods and applicability of stone mines

This article will analyze and introduce the application of mechanized quarrying technology and equipment in hard rock mining.

Hard rock mining characteristics

The hard stone with the trade name granite usually refers to lithological stones such as granite, granodiorite, quartz diorite, diabase, gabbro, peridotite, basalt, and gneiss.

1. Basic methods of mining hard rock

The traditional mining methods for extracting hard rock are flame cutter excavation and drilling combined with manual splitting or controlled blast splitting mining processes. Currently, diamond bead saws and drills combined with manual splitting or splitting are widely used. The controlled blast splitting mining process uses a combination of circular saws and bead saws or manual splitting methods. It is a mechanized mining process widely used in granite mines in recent years.

2. Hard rock mining equipment and methods are suitable for the ore body

The flame cutting machine is suitable for high-step mining of granite mines containing quartz components. The rock drilling and splitting method is suitable for high-step mining of hard rocks with good splitting performance. The bead saw can be used for high-step mining of various types of hard stone ore bodies, and is more suitable for mining of hard stone mines with poor splitting properties and relatively developed cracks. The circular saw is suitable for low-level hard rock mines with uniform color, no directionality, underdeveloped cracks and good integrity. Bench mining.

Hard rock mining methods and their scope of application

Mainly based on certain mining equipment, combined with other different mining equipment, the following main hard rock mining methods can be formed.

1. Hard rock mining method based on rock drill

——Artificial drilling and splitting mining: an early method of mining granite, mainly used for low-step mining.

– Flame cutter, hand-held rock drill, split mining: traditional methods of mining granite, used for high and low platform mining.

——Flame cutting machine, table rock drill and splitting mining: mechanized granite mining method, mainly used for high-step mining.

——Flame cutting machine, truck-mounted rock drill and splitting method mining: efficient mining method of granite, mainly used for high-step mining.

The mining method uses a rock drill as the main engine to mine hard rock. Because drilling and splitting methods are widely used in the mining process, it is suitable for mining hard rock mines with relatively good splitting properties. When mining diabase, metamorphic granite and other hard rocks with poor splitting properties, you should choose carefully.

2. Hard rock mining method based on bead saw

——Bead saws, hand-held rock drills, split mining: early high-quality semi-mechanized mining of hard rock.

——Bead saw, bench rock drill, split mining: high-quality, mechanized mining of hard rock.

——Bead saw, truck-mounted rock drill, split mining: high-quality, efficient, mechanized mining of hard rock.

——Bead saw, flame cutter, rock drill, split mining: high-quality and efficient granite mining methods.

——Bead saw full sawing method: a mechanized mining method for hard stones with high value, poor splitting properties and developed cracks.

The hard rock mining method that uses a bead saw as the main machine and combines drilling and splitting is suitable for high-step mining of hard rocks with good splitting properties; when mining hard rocks with poor splitting properties, a bead saw or flame should be used appropriately. The number of cutting surfaces of the cutting machine (granite mine) is reduced, the hole spacing is reduced, and the plane accuracy of the drilling surface is improved, thereby achieving the purpose of increasing the mining block rate.

The bead saw full-cut mining method is suitable for mining hard rocks with various step heights. There are no special requirements for the splitting properties and crack development of the stone. It is more suitable for hard stones with good quality, poor splitting properties and developed cracks. High quality stone quarrying.

3. Mainly use circular saw machine to mine hard stone.

——Disc sawing and splitting mining method: The splitting mining method using circular saws and handheld rock drills is an efficient and low-cost method for mining homogeneous hard rock with few cracks.

——Full sawing method mining: Mining using circular saws and bead saws is an efficient and low-cost method for mining hard rocks with higher value and less cracks.

——Full cutting rock drilling combined method mining: mining using circular saws, bead saws, and splitting methods, a flexible, efficient, and low-cost mining method.

The method of mining hard rock with a circular saw as the main machine is used to mine hard rock with uniform color and undeveloped cracks at low steps. However, it is not suitable for mining hard stones with large color differences and high requirements for pattern and color consistency.

In the disc saw splitting mining method, the decomposition and block shaping of feldspar blocks are both drilling and splitting, so it is more suitable for the mining of hard stones with good splitting performance;

The full-saw mining method and the full-saw drilling combination method can mine hard rocks with poor splitting properties, but are not suitable for mining hard rocks with large color differences and high requirements for color and consistency.

When mining hard stones with developed cracks, large color differences, and high requirements for color and color consistency, please carefully choose a mining method using a circular saw as the main machine.

4. High-pressure jet water cutting mining method

The high-pressure water jet cutting mining method is a relatively advanced hard rock mining method in experiments, but it has not yet been promoted and used in hard rock mines.



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